The Beautification of the Community Project (planting & mulching) is now complete. Thanks to the overwhelming contribution of the Members (in material & labor) we were able to do the project at a $13,000+ cost saving. Kudos to all participating Members
Please note: We are a self managing HOA. Beacon is NOT our management company.
A friendly note: It is prudent to place trash receptacles off of the street lines, especially when your house is located on the curve. Thank you.

HOA Board Members -  2024      

Submit a request to Architectural Review Committee (ARC) through ARCTracker.com          

Click here to access ARCTracker.com                                               

In the 'Neighborhood Nickname' search bar, enter 'Winderlakes'
 Use your registered email to log in and submit your request.
If you have questions or concerns, email arc@winderlakes.org  
ARC meetings are TBD. This is open to all homeowners.                                                                          

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